Who is JazzyKat?
For more info.
To support
You can help us reach THOUSANDS more through our 100,000,000 Pennies campaign
to kick-start our Breakfast Bus USA™
You can also send check or money order payable JazzyKat to:
18100 Meyers Rd., Suite 100
Detroit, MI 48235 • Phone: 313.586.1120
We are a social enterprise company focusing on the
health and wellness of children.
We are passionate about one thing - - Empowering children to take ownership of their own good health!
We intersect creativity and innovation with science in the areas of fitness, nutrition and health & wellness promotion. Since our start we have reached well over 20,000 children with our message and we aren’t done yet . . . .
Our Services/Our Team:
TrAvEl GyM™ - child size circuit training equipment. (John I have to find pictures of child working out on the equipment)
Mobile Culinary Arts & Nutrition Education
Training & Speakers for childhood development organizations
Design services for in school day programs/curriculums
Program development services for out of school time & afterschool
Health & Wellness design services for child care centers and facilities
John, we have pictures of us in action so I need to find!
JazzyKat’s core team and supports has a wealth of talent, experience and expertise:
Community & Parent Engagement
Pediatrics Nutritional Education & Counseling
Physical Fitness & Exercise Meal Planning and Preparation
Environmental Consultation